Local Public Enterprise (LPE) the Bus Station in Pristina is established in 1977, while within existing premises it was set in 1983.
Following the end of the war, in 1999, the enterprise was administered by the Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA), while as from 2015 it was transformed into a municipal public enterprise, which is organized as a joint stock company with the Municipal Assembly (KK) of Pristina as its soul legal owner of all the shares of the enterprise.
In this context, the Municipal Assembly of Prishtina exercises all the competences and responsibilities as it’s foreseen by the laws in power, as well as with the Statute and/or other sub-legal acts of the enterprise.

Need Help?
Information: +383 38 550 011
+383 49 741 117
+383 44 741 117
Chief Transport: +383 38 551 888
Coordinators: +383 38 551 666
Switchboard: +383 38 551 333
Media: +383 38 551 999
Email: contact@sap-rks.com

Str. Bill Clinton p.n., 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë

Working hours
Operative: 06:00 – 22:00
Administration: 08:00 – 16:00
Information: 06:00 – 22:00